

Aug 09, 2023

Donald Trump mugshot gets rinsed with ham, boxing gloves and painting

The world waited with bated breath as the Donald Trump mugshot dropped and it did not disappoint. Scowling, annoyed and slightly off-centre Trump delivered for the internet

Donald Trump's scowling police mugshot is now etched on to our retinas - and of course the internet loves it.

The ex-president who just keeps on giving surrendered at Fulton County jail in Georgia as he was booked on charges of trying to overturn his 2020 election loss.

Donald can be seen furrowing his eyebrows as he frowned in the weird mugshot released by the Fulton County Sheriff's Office just before 9pm last night. His intense expression is world's apart from other mugshots taken by other defendants - with many of them seeming calm or smiling.

Donald is no ordinary perp though. He was released on a 200,000 dollar bond and headed back to the airport for his return flight home to New Jersey.

Unrepentant but subdued after the brief jail visit, he insisted as he repeatedly has that he "did nothing wrong" and called the case accusing him of subverting election results a "travesty of justice".

Firstly, we were all waiting for it weren't we? Seeing how vexed an ex-President would look? These lot were definitely all waiting with bated breath. Here they are pictured patiently looking at the death of a tyrant. It also doubles as the Bin Laden kill shot reaction

So who took it then? Did the Georgia State police bring in a ringer? Was it this man? Probably explains the scowl if it was....

So the pic itself. Let's start strong. The stare, we knew we'd seen it somewhere before. Vigo the Carpathian the ancient despot from Ghostbusters II who lives in a painting. He's a 17th century medieval tyrant – oppressive and bloodthirsty. Vigo is reborn – and this time he's even more orange

Not the stare of a despot? How about a self-obsessed male model, Derek Zoolander. Ben Stiller's character in the eponymous film was famous for his 'Blue Steel' look and perhaps our Donald has taken a leaf out of his book. Work it, baby

It's amazing what you can do with salami, ham and an, er, banana. You can make Donald Trump's mugshot as this fella has on Twitter (or X, or whatever it's called) has done. That's a sandwich full of meat AND a bit of pudding. An edible delight

Staying on the 'Donald Trump as something you'd find in your kitchen cupboard' here he is as an orange. And a bit of a lemon. The mouth makes it IMO, probably done with a compass from your pencil case. And the caption ain't bad either

And it's not just food that looks like our Donald. Anything citrus-coloured will do, like this boxing glove. Again notice the mouth – the shocked expression. Film star Billy Baldwin knows (just don't ask him about his brother)

Last but not least, where we going to put this work of art? The Tate? The Louvre? The bin? This wag reckons the best place for it is the White House Bunker – a fitting tribute to a fitting ex-president

Current president Joe Biden is famous for this pose and now he's offering old pal Donald a helping hand or two in his hour of need. The original was said to show 'unwanted touching' but the woman in it says he was being supportive. Joe would doubtlessly be less supportive in this version

It wasn't long before Twitter brought out this old trope. How it started/how it's going. Look at the fresh-faced, eager young president. Now a scowling, shell of a man. We blame liberals